Monday, March 12, 2012

Out with the old ...

While I no longer make any New Year's resolutions (I never maintain them for more than 2 weeks, tops!), there is a feeling of turning the page with each January 1. This year, I'm continuing with the decision I made last year to de-clutter my life. If it isn't beautiful, useful or it doesn't bring me joy, it's outta here!

The first week of the new year saw me haul several bags of clothing to the neighborhood Société de St-Vincent-de-Paul. I then tackled a bookcase that was bursting at the seams (but there are more to follow!) and made up a box that I'll drop off at the hospital the next time that I'm in town. (Yeah, there are closer hospitals but a donation to them would result in raised eyebrows at my anglo literary offerings.) I've set aside stuff for the boys that they can hopefully use - a sneaky way of getting rid of even more stuff! Then there was the miscellaneous junk (and frankly, I can't explain how much of it even got under my roof!) ... a green pocketknife, some DVD's I don't remember ever buying, some t-shirts (buh bye Boss! and more cowbells? How about NO MORE cowbells!), company emblem sweatshirts, a jean shirt (I sent that one back to the 80's where it belongs!) and a mismatched pair of knitted slippers (who even uses Phentex yarn anymore?!?) I also went through my jewelry box and dumped some stuff from there too ... old earrings and bracelets, necklaces and brooches and some ring that looked like a wedding band. (Interesting, considering I've never been wed!) It's very cathartic to dump crap you no longer want or have any use for, especially when you have no sentimental tie to it.

Do, did, done!