Friday, May 27, 2011

This Old Heart of Mine . . .

I headed back to the hospital this morning to have the holter monitor removed and have an ECG performed. Coincidentally, I was matched up with the same Romanian tech as yesterday. After relieving me of my eight electrodes, he applied a new set for the ECG. Then, he adjusted them. And readjusted them. Checking the machine, he readjusted them again. I swear, I'm certain that after all that manhandling, he and I would be considered as married in most third world countries!

The lesson of the past two days is this: if you're going to need a test performed in a hospital, have it performed at the MGH's cardiology clinic. On both occasions, I barely had time to sit myself down before being called. The walk up the hill to the hospital took longer than the test itself! I have no idea how they manage to deal with their patients as quickly as they do, but I sure wish other departments took a lesson from this one. (That would be directed to Julia's back surgeon's clinic, where we spent 6 hours for her last appointment!)

So now I wait for my doctor's appointment to come along and give me (hopefully!) the good news. In the meantime, I have my trip to LA to keep my heart pitter pattering. I CAN'T WAIT!!!


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