Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dude ! Where are your manners ? ! ?

Alright, I admit it - I have ranted and raved about this subject before back when I was Laynee (on my previous blog). For those of you who read it, feel free to move along, nothing new to see here. I was compelled to reblog about it, however, because sadly the situation still exits ...

Back last week when I was headed home following Jordan's skydiving adventure (see previous posting), I decided I would take the scenic route. It was a stunningly beautiful day - hot, bright and sunny. Jack was hanging out an open window and Van Halen was pounding out of the speakers. I came around a slight curve and saw an old man walking on the road up ahead. Naturally, I slowed down and gave the man a very wide berth. Checking my rear view mirror, I start to slide back into my lane only to notice the old man is still hugging the side of the road. I keep watching the rear view mirror and to my amazement, he whips it out. Yes. IT! He did! Once again, yet another man has decided to take a whiz in the great outdoors. While this is hardly the first time that I have been privy subjected to seeing a guy take a leak outside, I am still shocked when it happens. That particular day, once I got over my initial amazement, I tried to rationalize this stranger's behaviour. He's an old man, I thought, maybe he couldn't wait until he got home. Then Logical Elaine kicked in (she always does!). When, I asked myself, was the last time I saw an old woman hiking up her dress and squatting to void her bladder roadside? NEVER! For some reason, women have come to realize that the world is not our toilet, a fact that seems to escape a great many of the male gender. I have no problem with the idea of stopping on the side of the highway to hustle a young child out of a vehicle so they can pee; I have done it on occasion when my own kids were small. The point is, kids have not yet mastered the art of self-control. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to have achieved that level of physical and social development. Yet all over the planet, there are scads and scads of men who apparently still need their mom, girlfriend, wife, fiancée, roommate, best bud, boss or whoever to ask them if they remembered to go pee pee before they head out. C'mon guys! Go tinkle BEFORE you go out. And if the urge hits while you're out, find a bathroom or gee, I don't know ... try holding it? (Umm, for those of you who can't, they have bladder control that looks like underwear these days, ya know!) Failing all that, you risk grossing out women everywhere ... and descending a rung or two down the evolutionary ladder ... not to mention, a hefty $365 fine!

Now, if you'll pardon me, I'm off to the powder room ... to, umm, powder my nose!  ;-)


Ruzica said...

Too funny Elaine. Back in the 90s, I was at Foufounes Electric to see a show. What do I see, a woman crouching down and peeing directly on the floor of Foufs while talking on the telephone. I think my mouth stayed opened for a while. My friend Tim was busy getting us tickets for the show when this happened so he did not see anything. I had to share. Ruz

Lainey said...

WOW! I hope she was drunk. Who would do THAT sober?!?

moi said...

things that make you go hmmmmmm!

Terry said...

this was pretty funny, unfortunately the male species does believe that the world is their toilet....have more times than not seen cars pulled over on the side of the Garden State parkway and a male standing with his back to traffic peeing thinking that no one can see him.,..really?!!.....what are they thinking.....

Randy said...

What can you really see? Sounds like jealousy to me. You want to know that freedom that comes from whipping it out pretty much anywhere grass grows. Add in the fact that the relief factor doubles because there is little reason to worry about aim, just have to miss the boots.


Lainey said...

*hanging my head* Yup Randy, you caught me. NOT! Seriously, I'll admit to maybe 5% jealousy. The remaining 95% is just sheer disgust!

wayner275 said...

Check out the FUD ....Female Urinary Device. Now women can make the world their toilet anytime...anywhere.

Lainey said...

*wincing @wayne* ... but do we really want to???