Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, my Jordan! ♥

Jordan - 2 days
Happy Birthday to my darling Jordan, who hits the limbo year of 20 today. No longer a teen, not quite 21 either. Limbo-land.
Jordan - 9 months

20 years ago today, Jordan came into the world and changed mine. 1991 was a brutal summer, marked by a heatwave not unlike the one we are presently experiencing. That in and of itself would have been hard on a newborn, but in addition to the heat, Jordan developed colic. The only respite his father and I had from his incessant howling was when we held him. And so we did, for what felt like 27 (yes, 27!) hours a day some days. That child was strapped onto my chest in a Snugli to the point where I felt as though he and I were one person. Thanks to Jordan, I learned a great many things back then - I learned how to prepare and eat a meal with one hand, I learned that it's possible to drown out a screaming child if it means you get to grab a 90 second shower for the first time in two days, I learned how to pee with a small human being strapped to my upper torso and I learned that everyone and their brother has a s'posed cure for colic, because after all, I must be doing something if my kid is still breaking the sound barrier with his cries, right? Nothing soothed me more than bringing him in to the pediatrician's for his first month appointment. This woman, who had served as my own pediatrician growing up and had a career spanning at least 40 years + at that point, spent 45 minutes trying to soothe Jordan in her arms before declaring him to be one of THE worst cases of colic she had ever encountered during the course of her medical practice. Jordan's bout of colic went of to last a total of 5 1/2 months, something I still think is a record in the world of newborns. Thankfully, I was already blessed with Kevin, who at only 21 months himself, happily played and didn't demand any extra attention, which unfortunately, I simply did not have to give him at the time. Jordan was not not an easy child by any stretch of the imagination. After colic came the night terrors, episodes where he would wake without waking, not realizing where he was or even who I was. I would rush to his side, try to calm him, get him settled and return to my own bed, only to barely fall asleep before the fun would begin all over again, usually 4-5 times a night. Jordan was about 3 1/2 years old before he actually slept through the night! Because of all the drama of his infancy, I was hard pressed to convince his dad to have the third child we had always planned for. Julia was almost the baby that never was, something that Jordan will probably jokingly tell you he still wishes had happened. In the end, Jordan went from being the child who required the most attention to the one who was the least hands on of my pack of three. Jordan is one of the most 'go with the flow' people I know, fazed by little and adaptable to most every situation I have seen him encounter thus far.
Jordan - 3rd birthday (with big brother Kevin and cousin Gabrielle)
My Jordan has grown into a young man that I'm proud of, who still ends every conversation with 'I love you, Mom', takes out the garbage without being told (most times!), and puts others before himself. If I had one complaint, it would be this - you grew up way too fast, Jordan. I think I actually miss those days of colic ...


Ruzica said...

Happy 20th Birthday Jordan!

Terry said...

you've done a fine job mom....

Lou said...

Happy belated 20th birthday Jordan! You have made your mom very proud - and me as well (even though we have never met). Don't change a thing !