Monday, October 3, 2011

English 101

Modern technology is a wonderful thing. It has allowed us to reconnect with people from our long ago's and answered many a 'I wonder what happened to so-and-so?'. I have been lucky to find people from my old neighborhood, elementary school, high school and past jobs and it has been great fun catching up with people I thought I would never see again.

Facebook put me back in touch with my grade 10 English teacher. Miss Golfman was a young, pretty and fashionable addition to the group of adults who were put to the task of molding my young mind. I looked forward to her class, knowing it would be interesting and entertaining. While she had a no nonsense approach to the material she presented, you would often find her smile lighting up her face. Miss Golfman, along with a few other beloved English teachers, were the matchmakers that led to my love affair with the written word.

Last Friday, I had the chance to thank Miss Golfman in person. She had messaged me and suggested we meet during her trip to the city; I was only too pleased to accept. We caught up over lunch and I was delighted to see that her smile still makes a regular appearance on a face that has barely changed in the past (dare I say it?) thirty-four years. I was glad for the opportunity to tell Miss Golfman how much I had appreciated her as a teacher. I know I'm not the only one of her students to feel that way.

I drove her to her next engagement and as she hopped out of my car, she clued me in to why she had wanted to see me. I'm holding on to that but she made my day in a big way.

Thanks, Miss Golfman. For everything.  xox


Lou said...

It is always nice to reconnect as you said. Glad you had a good time...

Terry said...

glad you had a chance to reconnect with someone who has clearly helped you write as well as you do....and about that secret.....hmmmmm