Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hot-lanta . . . it was peachy!

The summers of my youth were spent in the southern United States, specifically Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. I found there to be a distinct difference between the people of the south and other 'mericans. They seemed friendlier, more polite and the drawl was something I instantly fell in love with. I hadn't realized how much I missed southerners until I was exposed to them again last week.

I got my first drawl fix during my layover in Charlotte, NC. Between airport personnel and all the army boys deploying, there was no yankee accents to be had anywhere! Once I landed in Atlanta, it was obvious why my traveling companion kept referring to the city as 'Hot-lanta'. Stepping outside the airport was like being hit by a truck. A very hot, sticky, wet truck. No matter; in the way that food tastes better when you don't have to be the one cooking, humidity is easier to endure in a room at the Hilton than your own living room. Dinner day 1 was Yeah! Burger, a definite must. If you like  crafting your own burger, from the bun down to the very sauce, this is the place for you. Day 2 found my friend at work and me left to my own devices. I wandered the neighborhood for a bit before heading for Centennnial Olympic Park, making a friend along the way who called me ma'am and Miss Elaine the whole time we strolled. The park is simply gorgeous and I ended up spending more time there than I'd planned. Off to Ray's In The City for dinner, a place that reminded me of old school type restaurants where a great deal of importance is put on service. More roaming around the next day, then back to the hotel to prep for dinner at Chop's. OY! If you know me, you know I'm no steak person. Beef is my choice only as a last resort. Then again, I had never been introduced to kobe beef. I have never finished a steak in my life, but the meat that night never stood a chance! Everything that evening - the ambiance, the meal, the wine but most importantly, the company - was sublime. The next day, departure day, we lunched at The Ellis. The terrace afforded us a terrific view of the goings on beneath us and the shade and breeze made it difficult to leave. Sadly, all good things must come to an end and back to Montreal I headed. I was spoiled by my welcoming committee - Julia, Jack and Philippe, who even brought me a doughnut!

And so the countdown to August continues ...


Terry said...

sounds like y'all had a great time down there is hot-lanta......agreed the people are more polite, move a bit slower (which I really don't mind so much)and respectful....I have a good friend in Charlotte, NC that I worked with for years, still remember her page for a doctor taking all of 3 minutes...all drawwwwnnn out......anyway....glad you had a great time...good read and made me smile today.....

Ruzica said...

What I remember the most about Atlanta were all the street names having Peachtree in them.
Kobe beef is amazing! Sounds like you have a great time!

Lainey said...

No surprise as to the state's official state fruit, eh Ruz? And why didn't someone clue me into this whole Kobe beef thing before now?!? *drooOooOooOoOooOol*

Lou said...

Atlanta is an amazing city. have been there a few times, but sometimes only seeing a glimpse of it from a plane and some of it also from the windows of a terminal @ Hartsfield Airport.
were they any reminders of what happened at Centennial Park a number of years ago? I thought there was a memorial there.
And as nice as it is to get away, coming home can sometimes be the best - and I hope the doughnut was delicious!

Gary B. said...

There's no check box for "Made me hungry!"