Saturday, July 2, 2011

Oh Canada, our home and native land???

On the night of June 23rd, the eve of 'la St-Jean' (Quebec's national holiday), I was home and listening to the boom of fireworks being set off at various parks and backyards in the neighborhood. The following night, more of the same. This is Repentigny, after all - a city where I can't speak English to my kid at the local IGA without at least a couple of heads turning. Fast forward to the night of June 30th, eve of Canada Day. Silence. The following night, a total of 6 feeble pops. Yeah. Six. Yeah. I counted.

Here's my message to Repentignites (or whatever the hell we're called here): Yes, you're Quebecers. Celebrate it, by all means. But then look around. You're still a part of Canada. You get the freaking day off from work, for pity's sake! That alone should be worth more than a measly 6 lousy pops!!!

My friend, André Seiffert, was right. I should have come up to Parliament Hill to see the show he and his gang put on. I told him it was on my bucket list and after the woeful presentation I was barely privy to this week, I'm thinking next year, he and I will have a date ... well, so to speak! (Hi Leanne!) And the next year, maybe I'll do la St-Jean in Quebec City. In the meantime, belated Happy 24th and 1st (and Happy 4th to my 'merican buds). Happy (and safe!) holidays to everyone  :)


Anonymous said...

too bad you didn't enjoy yourself the past few days....can't stop hearing fireworks here in NJ.....good post....:)

Lou said...

Merci beaucoup, ma chere, for the "'merican wishes" - LOL. I do know what you mean though about celebrating your country's birth. if you get the benefits (e.g. day off, citizenship etc.) - at least let out one woohoo for your country.

Andre said...

Well Elaine,you are the first woman who said I was right about something!That deserves a fireworks show itself, thank you. The invitation is always open, you needn't wait for Canada day

Lainey said...

Thanks Terry and Lou :)

And André? When you're right, you're right - and I'll be over there one of these days ...